The play

Here in the village we represent Els Pastorets by Josep Maria Folch i Torres. We are faithful to the original text and perform the show with most of the paintings and scenes written by the author. The dramaturgy, however, has received several adaptations to make the play more dynamic and up-to-date, and above all more enjoyable and accessible to our modern language. The main adaptation comes from the Joventut de la Faràndula in Sabadell, a neighboring city, where we have quite a lot of aesthetic and style references. From here, various directors who have started the production, all of them from the Faràndula, have finished adjusting the dramaturgy to the text that we currently perform every Christmas here in Sant Quirze del Vallès.

However, every year we try to give more personality to our play, introducing new ways of doing things and typical expressions of people who are involved. This is also how Folch and Torres wanted it, as expressed in various editions of this dramatic text.

The play has a duration of approximately 2 and 40 minutes, with two 10-minute intermissions.

It's an adventure story. A musical show where the soundtrack accompanies us in every scene, making us enter the fiction in just a few seconds. A portrait of Catalan society from the rural era where traditions and religion were fundamental pillars. The story before the birth of Jesus and how this event revolutionized the whole world.

Beyond the historical-religious part, however, it is a fast-paced adventure of two boys who must face their fears to achieve their goals. They will have to face evil, represented by demons; they will also help those in need on the journey, meet the Hebrew people and share their traditions and customs with them... and a series of plots that will have us on the edge of our seats laughing and getting excited about their characters. A complete show on every level.

Children's Pastorets
This project was born as an activity where the children were the protagonists, and seven years later it still continues that way. That is why every year we carry out the children's version of the Pastorets, which is not far from the other one; simply that children from town embody the most iconic characters of the play, having therefore the opportunity to experience theater as a tool of expression and transformation from a very young age. This is where they have made many of their friends and where they have been working on body expression and communication skills. It is a space for growth that we value very much in our town.

The Adult Pastorets
As a novelty, from the 23-24 season, under Joan Monistrol's direction, the organisation is excited to start a new version of the show that would represent a turning point in town. Els Pastorets are now open to everyone and both the oldest and youngest can go on stage and represent Els Pastorets. What seems so simple to say is not so easy to do, but our wish empowered us to achieve this milestone. Parents, friends and acquaintances from town who have theatrical interests have this space of personal research.  After the first season, they all said that the experience was worth it.

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